Like many people I know and even mI figured out something today about life and this realization is helping me with the limited time (and energy) I have this week to work on my March One Dream a Month project.
Like many people I know and even more I don't know, full time employment is just not part of the picture right now and hasn't been for over a year, despite a pretty active search for it and a damn impressive resume. That's okay. I'm good at piecing it together and have done off and on for many year, when I've needed a break from the 9-5 grind.
But for some reason, and maybe it's because my brainwaves seem to be gathered around making one idea into a reality, I'm experiencing an interesting response to my personal employment quilt and to this overall transition with One Dream a Month.
I call it my personal employment quilt because it is literally made of many pieces which include, but may not be limited to the following:
· Two 20 hour a week jobs
· Two freelance consulting projects
· Three kids who need and deserve my full attention
· A long-term relationship that also needs and deserves my full attention
· 30 day yoga challenge
· Starting a new business
· One Dream a Month blog
The truth is, I've never been comfortable with transitions. The real truth is, they cause me quite a bit of anxiety. On a BC (Before Children) trip to Europe , the transitions from one train to another, from one city to another, were very difficult. So difficult that I even thought about creating an entire trip made up of just transitions, as some kind of shock therapy approach to this issue.
In my yoga practice, my teachers talk quite a bit about being comfortable with the discomfort – an easy thing to say from a podium while the rest of us are in one of 26 seemingly impossible positions. Once in while, thought, it makes total sense and I manage to sneak in a bit more breath while curled up like a ball. And recently, this idea is sneaking into some other parts of my life, including the March One Dream a Month project.
I’m beginning to feel less uncomfortable with the discomfort. Not comfortable, mind you, but less uncomfortable. And the reason why this is happening is that I’ve come to realize my life right now is like constantly changing planes. Sometimes changing planes is easy, with plenty of time to get from one gate to another, pick up a local newspaper, a fresh bottle of water, even go to the bathroom. Other times, there’s three minutes to sprint from one end of the terminal to the other and most likely, the plane will be gone by the time we get there.
Today I changed planes six times between two jobs, home, self-education, health and One Dream a Month. And all in the same time zone. And I didn't miss a flight.
How is this idea of changing planes as the metaphor for my life helping me with turning a dream into action? Because it involves taking myself from one place to the next, hopefully as safely as possible, and because it involves a destination. Right now that destination is a bit fuzzy, but at least I’ve bought my ticket.
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